Sunday, May 1, 2011

Administrivia: Camp Other on Daily Kos For Lyme Disease Awareness

And now the announcement I've been meaning to make this weekend (and part of the reason for my continued delay in adding comments to the most recent Friday Four post and decision to put the Friday Four on hiatus for at least one month):

I am going to be writing and posting to the Daily Kos during May for Lyme Disease Awareness month.

My first post permalink is here:

I will be posting some posts specifically for the Daily Kos audience, so they will only be available if you go to the Daily Kos site. The remainder of my posts I intend to cross-post to both this blog and the Daily Kos diary

I have not yet determined how long I will have a presence on Daily Kos - I will see how this goes and what level of discussion posting there provokes. I look forward to seeing what happens.

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