Saturday, May 17, 2014

Lyme Disease Prevention: Tick Tack Toe Graphic

This is just a brief post with a graphic about Lyme disease prevention created for Spring/Summer 2014 for use on Twitter, Facebook, or any of a number of social media sites. Camp Other's Tick Tack Toe game rules are simple: It is won by all players crossing off all squares to help avoid tickborne disease.

Feel free to share... My only requirements are that you pass it on as it is with no further additions or subtractions - basically don't change it. Enjoy!


  1. Great job, Cam Other!

    It is truly The Game of Life.


  2. Thanks, vm - I appreciate it. It took a long time to put together.

    If vm = velvetmagnetta (and I think I'm correct in this) I want to let you know that I have published and read your other comments but have not yet replied to them. I hope to respond to them sometime this upcoming week.



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