Below is an outline of the conference speakers and topics...
Keynote Speaker: J. William Costerton, PhD
The Role of Biofilms in Chronic Bacterial Infections
Eva Sapi, PhD
Killing Borrelia: An impossible job?
Jason A. Carlyon, PhD
Interior Decorating: Anaplasma phagocytophilum Remodels Its Host Cell-Derived Vacuole into A Protective Niche
Richard Marconi, PhD, Co-Course Director
c-di-GMP Regulates Key Steps in the Enzootic Cycle of Tick-Borne Spirochetes
Chris Earnhart, PhD
Lyme disease vaccine: an update on recent progress
Dr. Ed Masters Memorial Lecture: Robert S. Lane, PhD
Diversity of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. genospecies and genotypes in California, and Implications for human infection.
M. Karen Newell Rogers, PhD
A New Model of Intervention for Lyme Disease by Targeting Chronic Inflammation and Selective Aspects of Immune Activation
Robert Yolken, MD
Infections and Human Neuropsychiatric Diseases
Josep Dalmau, MD, PhD
Clinical spectrum and cellular mechanisms of autoimmunity to NMDA and other synaptic receptors
Dr. John Drulle Memorial Lecture: John Aucott, MD
Early microbiologic and immunologic events in Lyme disease
Reinhard K. Straubinger, PhD
Canine and equine Lyme borreliosis – The animals’ perspective of the disease.
Benjamin J. Luft, MD
Diagnostics: update on protein arrays and new Lyme assays
Brian Fallon, MD, Co-Course Director
What is Chronic Lyme Disease? Models and evidence
Andrew W. Walter, MD
Update on Ehrlichiosis and Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Children
Andrea Gaito, MD
Clinical Evaluation and treatment of Lyme Arthritis; An autoimmune perspective
Ingeborg Dziedzic, MD
What everyone should know about Eyes & Lyme Disease
Vijay Thadani, MD
Epilepsy update: Distinguishing Epileptic from Non-epileptic seizures
Steve Bock, MD
Complementary and Integrative Medical approaches to Chronic Tick-borne Disease
Elizabeth Maloney, MD
The treatment of Lyme disease - a critical review of the literature – lessons, gaps, and future research needs
I think this conference holds more scientific weight to it than other Lyme disease-related conferences I've seen, so if anyone is going to be in Philly and attends, please take notes to share with us all.
(I won't be able to attend as I have a previous commitment scheduled before I knew this conference was going to be held at this time in October.)

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Would love to see a synopsis of this conference, too. I attended last year and it was great. Keep us posted...thanks!